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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


“No! I wouldn’t have! Because you could have been killed!” he roared again

I growled “you’re going to bring down the whole cave if you don’t stop, and if you don’t, I’ll do it for you!” I threatened

He growled in my face, showing teeth “oh yeah? And how are you going to do that?” he asked

I sucked in a breath and roared so loud in his face that it shook the cave “like that” I shouted, my words laced with venom

He stared at me, a shocked expression on his face

“Stop it! Stop it now!” Lamina growled

I huffed and turned around, trotting away, “where are you going?” he growled

I didn’t answer, I just kept trotting “Jenna!” he roared.

“Screw you!” I shouted back

I broke into a run at the opening, running to the stairway and climbing it with incredible speed

When I got to the top, I kept running, I ran to the end of the cave and walked through the mossy wall

I looked around, there was nothing to indicate that they even left, just the scent of them

I kept running, following Drake’s scent to the sanctuary

I heard faint running footsteps behind me, so I just slinked in the place, watching as people peeked out of their rooms to look at me, my wounds were still bleeding slightly, but they were healing rapidly

I slinked up the stairs and onto the lunch deck

Lying on the ground with my head on my paws, I watched as the wind caressed the trees, making them sway slightly

I heard footsteps coming towards the lunch deck and ignored them, listening to the sounds of nature

I started licking the wound on my paw as it healed, “you shouldn’t do that you know” Drake’s voice came behind me

I ignored him and kept licking it

“Jenna” he said, lying beside me

I still ignored him, looking out at the forest

“Please answer me” he begged.

“Why should I? I like being silent, after all, I might want to save my voice for when I’m roaring at you” I said, not looking at him

He sighed “look, I’m sorry, I lost it out there, when I saw him hurting you…I just lost it, and when I lose it, I don’t calm down for a long time, and I take it out on something, Garrison ran like the coward he is, so I took it out on you, I was angry at you for just taking off, but it was amplified at the thought of him hurting you” he said softly

I didn’t answer; I just laid my head on my paw and looked through the bars at the forest

Drake sighed and got up, without another word, he left

Guilt flowed through me, but I pushed the feeling away, I shouldn’t feel guilty; he is the one that yelled at me “Jenna?” Lamina asked hesitantly
